CPW women event explores personal and professional goals

On Thursday, 18 April 2024, Capricorn Private Wealth (CPW) hosted their Women’s Event on “Fill Your Cup” as the theme in Windhoek. South African advocate and law professor Thulisile Madonsela was the keynote speaker. 

Prof. Madonsela’s remarks focused on managing and developing the mind and becoming an agile leader, which also builds internal resilience. In her presentation, she said women can manage their minds through leadership at all levels. “Leaders are agile in their response to abrupt environmental shifts. They grow wherever they are planted, bloom in adverse conditions and multiply for optimal impact and sustainability,” she said.

Prof. Madonsela encouraged women to know that their influence is valuable and that they matter. When all this is accomplished, Madonsela said women are more confident in claiming space while acknowledging that others matter and realising that all humans are of equal value. She also told women to find the applause within, multiply by elevating others, and be committed to serving others as leaders.


Bank Windhoek Managing Director Baronice Hans and Capricorn Group Executive of Brand and Corporate Affairs Marlize Horn also shared their experiences of what motivates them to excel professionally and personally. 

Hans said juggling a career and caring for a family may seem daunting to women whose cups still need to be filled. “It is essential to continually nurture our growth and propel towards both personal and professional achievements. Eventually, maintaining the balance necessary to navigate the complexities of life is attainable,” she said. 

Horn said that fulfilment includes finding purpose, passion, and joy in every aspect of life. The road to fulfilment can be challenging and riddled with bumps and unexpected detours. Besides this, she encouraged women not to confuse filling their cups with selfishness or self-indulgence. “It is not about taking more than our fair share. It is about recognising that we cannot pour from an empty cup. It is about acknowledging that by taking care of ourselves, we become better equipped to take care of others, lead with compassion, and inspire with authenticity,” she said. 

Prof. Madonsela has held a chair in social justice at Stellenbosch University since January 2018. She served as the Public Protector of South Africa from 19 October 2009 to 14 October 2016, overseeing the high-profile cases of influential South African politicians. In 1996, she helped draft the final constitution of South Africa promulgated by then-President Nelson Mandela.

CPW women’s event is an annual exclusive stakeholder gathering for its female clients. It recognises women's determination to drive change and make an impact whilst ensuring that they remain inspired to keep going the extra mile. This year’s event highlighted that balancing performance in personal and professional spaces requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to redefine success on one's terms.


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